A Few Tips for Your Consult!
- Dress comfortably!
- Don't bother cleaning up your house for an LC--we are used to new baby households!
- Tuck your pets out of the way before we get started. Even cats can get pretty nosey with a new person around the brand new baby!
- It's ok to give honest assessments of how you are feeling. Your medical background information is totally safe with me and I follow HIPAA guidelines.
- If you are allergic to soaps, perfumes, etc please let me know so I can make sure to respect your health needs. I happen to be allergic to scented candles and pets but I can manage if you tuck them away!
- You are welcome to keep your family around you if you need support! However, if you are not feeling supported to breastfeed by family members, it might be easiest to ask them for privacy.
- If there is a lot of distraction during a lactation consultation, it may be harder to keep your baby calm and alert during the consultation; attempt to keep distractions down.
- Make a list of questions you have for me, so we won't forget to go over any areas of concern for you.
- Try and arrange your consult approximately 30 minutes before you expect your baby to wake up hungry.