What Can A Lactation Consultant Help You With?
Serena Meyer RN, IBCLC provides evidence-based support for:
Serena also specialized in oral structural issues, and specializes in pre/post care for tongue tie release.
- Cracked nipples
- Slow weight gain
- Switching from bottle to breast
- Weaning from a nipple shield
- Latching trouble
- Mastitis, plugged ducts or breast abscess
- Thrush/Candida
- Difficult bottle feeding
- Trouble shooting pumping issues
- Acute breast pain
- Breast augmentation, breast surgeries
- Twins or Multiples of a higher order
- Past history of breast cancer
- IGT, hypoplasia of the breast
- Low milk supply
- Maternal diabetes
- Carpal tunnel syndrome or arthritis
- Hypertension/preeclampsia
- Inducing lactation/ adoptive breastfeeding
- Surrogacy support
- Breastfeeding with physical challenges
- Milk storage
- Trouble shoot pumping problems
- Returning to work or school
- Breast refusal
- In hospital support
- Bottle Counseling the breastfeeding infant
- Sleep Counseling
- Preterm infants
- Infants with Trisomy 21, or other health issues
- Reflux pain and management
- Emergency Weaning
- Medication Counseling
- Late dips in supply
- Chestfeeding/bodyfeeding
- Management of oversupply and more!
Serena also specialized in oral structural issues, and specializes in pre/post care for tongue tie release.

Here is a very clear photo of a class one tongue tie, generously donated for educational purposes. Note the heart shaped tip of the tongue! Copyrighted Image: photographer, Laura Turbow. Used with permission.
*This super cute baby was mad for just a moment while her mama put her down, but they picked her right back up again and all was well!
*This super cute baby was mad for just a moment while her mama put her down, but they picked her right back up again and all was well!